செவ்வாய், 26 பிப்ரவரி, 2013
Brahmin's Curse
Ramana Maharshi : One day a sage called Pakanar was weaving a basket in front of his house. Hearing a loud voice chanting, “Hare Ram”, he asked his sister who it was that was chanting.
His sister replied that it was a brahmin who is keeping his own daughter. Pakanar replied, “You are the hundredth person to repeat the scandal”.
Meanwhile, the brahmin having come to that place, the sage
told the brahmin that his curse was lifted and that he could
return home.
Later, he explained to his sister thus: “This brahmin was living with his widowed daughter. They were generous and kind-hearted. They would invite sadhus and feed them with love. On hearing of their generosity a sadhu came to visit them. He was well received and fed. The sadhu was immensely pleased with their devotion and decided to bless them.
He just glanced once and knew what was in store for them when they die. He called the brahmin and told him that after his death he would be tortured by a mountain of leeches in hell.
On hearing this, the brahmin fell at his feet in terror and implored him for some means of escape. The sadhu told him, ‘Once while you were cooking food a leech fell from the roof into the cooking pot and died unobserved. You offered that food to a realised sage. Since whatever is given to a sage will be received back a thousand-fold a mountain of leeches are in store for you’.
The sadhu then advised the brahmin that in order to escape this fate he should conduct himself towards his grownup widowed daughter in such a way, as to provoke a scandal that he was having illicit intimacy with her.
He assured him that when a hundred persons had uttered the scandal the sin would leave him completely, having been distributed among the scandal-mongers. The brahmin did accordingly and you are the hundredth person to tell the scandal. So I say that the brahmin’s curse is now removed.”
Sri Bhagavan drew from the story the following moral: “Have the best intention, but act in such a way not to win praise, but to incur blame. Resist the temptation to justify yourself even when you are just.”
Courtesy: messagefrommasters.com

வெள்ளி, 22 பிப்ரவரி, 2013
பகவான் பிள்ளையார்
One day in 1912 a potter came to the Virupaksha Cave with a small image of Sri Ganesa that he had made and presented it to Sri Bhagavan. A disciple suggested that both he and Sri Bhagavan should write a verse to celebrate the occasion, and this is what Sri Bhagavan wrote.
Him who begot you as a child you made
Into a beggar; as a child yourself
You then lived everywhere just to support
Your own huge belly; I too am a child.
Oh Child God in that niche! Encountering one
Born after you, is your heart made of stone?
I pray you look at me!
- Ramana Maharshi
பிள்ளையாப் பெற்றவனைப் பிச்சாண்டி யாக்கியெங்கும்
பிள்ளையாப் பேழ்வயிற்றைப் பேணினீர்- பிள்ளையான்
கன்னெஞ்சோ மாடத்துப் பிள்ளையாரே கண்பாரும்
பின்வந்தான் தன்னைநீர் பெற்று.
(1912 ஆம் வருடம் விரூபாக்ஷ குகையின் மாடத்தில் அமர்ந்திருந்த கணேசன் மீது, ஈஸ்வர சுவாமிகளின் தூண்டுதலால் ஸ்ரீ பகவான் பாடியது.)

வியாழன், 21 பிப்ரவரி, 2013
வெள்ளி, 15 பிப்ரவரி, 2013

வியாழன், 14 பிப்ரவரி, 2013
வியாழன், 7 பிப்ரவரி, 2013
வியாழன், 3 ஜனவரி, 2013
Don't live your life backwards.
Be, do and have
"Often people attempt to live their lives backwards: they try to have more things, or more money, in order to do more of what they want so they will be happier. The way it actually works is the reverse. You must first be who you really are, then do what you love to do, in order to have what you want."
-- Margaret Young
இதற்கு குழுசேர்:
இடுகைகள் (Atom)
பகவான் ரமணர் தன் கைப்பட வரைந்த திரு அருணை மலை. அருணாச்சல சிவ .அருணாச்சல சிவ . அருணாச்சல சிவ . அருணாச்சலா

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