Fix your ego to find the Self
Bhagavan Ramana narrates a funny true-life incident to tackle our ego. He remembers his younger days in Madurai where his neighbourhood hatched a plan to catch hold of an offender, a thief. He did fall to their plans but on realizing that he was being apprehended, ran away crying “Come on, catch the thief. He is running away. Catch him, catch him”. Naturally others, including the police man looked elsewhere and nobody believed he was himself a thief. The pretentions of our ego will vanish once we reflect and start investigating. Once ego vanishes, the external world will dissolve, giving way to inner peace and happiness.
Ego is tricky as it tempts us with a promise of something we already have. Learn to live in the present moment, in the now, like innocent, playful children. Ego loads us with needless doubts and fears. If we surrender to the higher power, which has all along been ruling us, it takes care of our activities and results. Do we carry our luggage on our head when we travel, say in a train? Doesn’t the traveller sleep peacefully on his berth as the train moves carrying countless his and other loads?
The world is not external to us. It is cognized only by our consciousness. It is just a sequence of our ego. It does not say it exists. We only revere and fear about it. Once we find our source, we notice that the bubble platform has burst. So fix your ego to find the Self.
Bhagavan Ramana’s 72nd Aradhana falls on 28-4-22
Sridhar Chaama